Are there versions of the code samples?

Typically I use but it is not liking the samples from IPP320 - eSELECTplus_CPI_CHIP_dotNet_IG_v1302.pdf


Specifically this one:


// Instantiate a new instance of the Terminal class passing in the default
// merchant's language and a "terminal ready" callback:
public void readyForNextTransaction()
// Put your GUI in a ready state for another transaction.
Terminal myTerminal = new Terminal( Language.English, new TerminalReadyHandler(readyForNextTransaction);
// Set myTerminal's properties
myTerminal.SpedCommPort = "COM1:"; <!-- PUT YOUR COM PORT HERE -->
myTerminal.Host = "";
myTerminal.StoreId = "store_ppi";<!-- PUT YOUR STORE ID HERE -->
myTerminal.ApiToken = "ppiguy";<!-- PUT YOUR API TOKEN HERE -->
myTerminal.Tip = true; // Enables Tip functionality
myTerminal.MaxSwipes = 3; // Default is 0. Sets allowed number of bad Pinpad-swipes
// before returning an error code.
// Subscribe to two events published by myTerminal
// Use this event to display whatever the sped (Pinpad) displays in the merchant's
// language.
myTerminal.SpedDisplayEvent += new SpedDisplayEventHandler(terminal_SpedDisplayEvent);
// This event signals the sped is powering up and is not yet ready. You MUST subscribe
// to it and have the handler disable your GUI. The terminal will eventually call the
// "terminal ready" callback passed into myTerminal's constructor. As described above,
// this callback is responsible for putting the terminal back in a ready state.
myTerminal.SpedPowerUpEvent += new SpedPowerUpEventHandler(terminal_SpedPowerUpEvent);
// Finally initialize myTerminal.
// A simple "receipt ready" handler.
void receiptReady(TerminalReceipt receipt)
if ( receipt.ErrorCode == TerminalException.ErrorCodes.NoError )
// Transaction was successful
// Transaction was NOT successful.
// The terminal must perform a key exchange with the bank host before it can do any
// financial transactions.
myTerminal.KeyExchange(new ReceiptReadyHandler(receiptReady));
// Now we can do financial transactions:
myTerminal.Purchase("order001","1.00",null,null, null, "customer001","00", "V", new ReceiptReadyHandler(receiptReady));