Canada Payment Gateway API is not working!

I'm trying to use Moneris (eSelectPlus) dll in .net to make a call to the API to process a credit-card payment, but the documentation is not identical at all with the Library I'm getting from Nuget package (screenshot 1 attached) eSELECTplus_dotNet_API_v2


i.e. in this sample:

string order_id = "Test" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
           string store_id = "store5";
           string api_token = "yesguy";
           string amount = "5.00";
           string pan = "4242424242424242";
           string expdate = "1901"; //YYMM format
           string crypt = "7";
           string processing_country_code = "CA";
           bool status_check = false;
           CofInfo cof = new CofInfo();
           Purchase purchase = new Purchase();
           //purchase.SetWalletIndicator(""); //Refer to documentation for details
           //Optional - Set for Multi-Currency only
           //setAmount must be 0.00 when using multi-currency
           //purchase.SetMCPAmount("500"); //penny value amount 1.25 = 125
           //purchase.SetMCPCurrencyCode("840"); //ISO-4217 country currency number
           HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
           mpgReq.SetTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions
               Receipt receipt = mpgReq.GetReceipt();
               Console.WriteLine("CardType = " + receipt.GetCardType());
               Console.WriteLine("TransAmount = " + receipt.GetTransAmount());
               Console.WriteLine("TxnNumber = " + receipt.GetTxnNumber());
               Console.WriteLine("ReceiptId = " + receipt.GetReceiptId());
               Console.WriteLine("TransType = " + receipt.GetTransType());
               Console.WriteLine("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.GetReferenceNum());
               Console.WriteLine("ResponseCode = " + receipt.GetResponseCode());
               Console.WriteLine("ISO = " + receipt.GetISO());
               Console.WriteLine("BankTotals = " + receipt.GetBankTotals());
               Console.WriteLine("Message = " + receipt.GetMessage());
               Console.WriteLine("AuthCode = " + receipt.GetAuthCode());
               Console.WriteLine("Complete = " + receipt.GetComplete());
               Console.WriteLine("TransDate = " + receipt.GetTransDate());
               Console.WriteLine("TransTime = " + receipt.GetTransTime());
               Console.WriteLine("Ticket = " + receipt.GetTicket());
               Console.WriteLine("TimedOut = " + receipt.GetTimedOut());
               Console.WriteLine("IsVisaDebit = " + receipt.GetIsVisaDebit());
           catch (Exception e)

it shows this error messages

(Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS1729 'Purchase' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments)



Note: I used API key and store Id shown in my profile and also used the host value and store3 and store5 as shown in the samples, but non of the, worked!

any help is appreciated.
