AVS with Hosted Tokenization Purchase Valut



Once we have data key (Token ). We can make purchase using Vault ,My client wants to verify address first before making purchase.  


Can you please guide me difference between purchase with AVS and Card verification  first and then do purchase.?  


Purchase with AVS -: 

AvsInfo avsCheck = new AvsInfo(); avsCheck.SetAvsStreetNumber("212"); avsCheck.SetAvsStreetName("Payton Street"); avsCheck.SetAvsZipCode("M1M1M1"); avsCheck.SetAvsEmail("test@host.com"); avsCheck.SetAvsHostname("hostname"); avsCheck.SetAvsBrowser("Mozilla"); avsCheck.SetAvsShipToCountry("CAN");

avsCheck.SetAvsShipMethod("G"); avsCheck.SetAvsMerchProdSku("123456"); avsCheck.SetAvsCustIp(""); avsCheck.SetAvsCustPhone("5556667777");


We are setting AVS check in purchase , so in this case it will be upto bank to verify and approved and decline transaction ?  Right ?  Merchant have no control over it ?  




On the other hand what if I want to control response for card verification  and then process with payment ?  

can you please share code for the same ?  

1. I want to first verify card holder address name (most important) after then want to make purchase using token Hosted tokenisation . 






  • By using card verification first, you have the opportunity to review the avs and cvd responses before proceeding to a financial transaction, therefore providing more flow control with the avs/cvd responses. If you supply your avs and cvd data along with a purchase request instead, you may get a financial approval but a mismatch on avs.

    1. card holder will enter card information in the hosted tokenization fields along with avs details.
    2. using temp token, process Card Verification transaction with avs/cvd (resCardVerificationCC)
    3. if verification AVS/CVD results are good, proceed with your purchase (resPurchaseCC/resPreAuthCC) (you could supply the avs data again in this step but it's not necessary)
  • In reply to LL_Moneris:

    developer.moneris.com/.../Card Verification
    1.How you will test your code with card verification class. I can see moneris provided simulator which will take some amount 10.10 e.g. and it will give some code . but How can I be sure it will work fine in Production .
    2. I am not able to understand simulator concept for testing AVS please explain ?


    3.With AVS can we verify card holder name as well ? I can see AVS object contain following fields.
    avsCheck.setAvsStreetName("Payton Street");

    Can you please tell me where I can pass customer name here in AVS ??? IS SET Hostname is customer name fields ?

    Thanks for your flow but don't you think I should first do Pre Auth using AVS and if response is ok then I can do completion ?

    Please answer Thanks for your help