Test Credit cards in QA store

Verification of the test credit cards fail (saying card is invalid) on my QA store, but work just fine in the sample stores (Store1, store2, etc.).  My QA store is monca03008

  • Hello,

    Please indicate where did you get the test data from.

    Please advise where are the card numbers from?

    Also, please post your request code and receipt data.

    Thank you.
  • In reply to ND_Moneris:

    Our simulator appears to be down and it is therefore throwing back this response. Please check again later on.

    Transaction Type: Verification
    Result: DECLINED

    Order ID: mvt4100891945
    Reference Number: 660187920010010810 M
    Authorization Code: 000000
    Response Code: 055
    Transaction Time: 10:26:39 Transaction Date: 2018-10-31
  • In reply to ND_Moneris:


    I'm using the Hosted Vault Configuration
    The card I'm using is the Visa test card : 4242424242424242
    the message in the $_POST['message'] is saying this "Credit+Card+failed+verification"

    Thank you
  • In reply to Gtherien:

    Thank you for the clarification. This could be an issue on our back-end. Will investigate and update you in 48 hours.
  • In reply to ND_Moneris:

    Hello, this should be resolved. Please retry the Hosted Vault action above.
  • In reply to ND_Moneris:

    Yes it is indeed working.
    I can't however manage my vault profiles.
    This is the error it gives me : There were no profiles returned from your query

    The profile was created and can even make a payment with the given Data_key

  • In reply to Gtherien:

    That's because there are no permanent tokens stored in the vault in monca03008. I was able to check that.

    you can try your API again, or hosted vault page
    you can login and create a token using the Virtual Terminal portal
    1) Go to Vault menu
    2) Add Profile
    3) Enter the card number and future expiry date, ECI idnicator and CVD digits at Minimum.

    Your can then lookup the token or via API use res-lookup-masked if that is faster for you.
  • In reply to ND_Moneris:

    That's what I did (with the Hosted Vault Page) and didn't work
    It is working fine with the default store 5