Since we switched from API to hosted pay page, we lost our Google analytics e-commerce tracking, anybody experienced this?

We used to take the payement information on our checkout page and our Google Analytics e-commerce tracking was working fine.


We switched to Moneris Hosted Paypage solution to be PCI compliant with SAQ.A, but now our Google Analytics e-commerce tracking stopped functionning since then.

On success, on the hosted pay page, we redirect to our site which hosts the same google analytics script to feed our e-commerce tracking, but Google does not register them.

We added to the Google Analytics "Referral exclusion list", which is the only info we could relate to this problem, but it didn't help.

Anyone ever experienced this? If so, how did you fix the issue?


Thank you.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for the post and voice mail but we will not able to assist you with troubleshooting the Google Analytics issue you are experiencing.

    Please raise your issue with Google Analytics support team or please try their analytics developer forums. Google Analytics is not a Moneris product nor feature of Moneris Gateway API and Hosted Pay Page Integrations therefore we are not able to assist you with your custom issue.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and wish you the best of luck.