Moneris Api Review Process?

Once I complete integration of the Moneris API (.dll) with my .NET app, what is the review process. I.e. Does Moneris do code audit, or some sort of review process? Or may I simply upload my application to Azure with no review?


Any input is appreciated, thanks.

  • Hello,

    Prior to going live, we recommend you source a QSA (PCI -Qualified Security Assessor) to review your solution and ensure it is compliant to PCI standards. Please feel free to find one and use them. They will be able to advise you on what to and they will be familiar with us as well as our services. If you custom-coded your solution and are reselling it, you will need to get it PA-DSS certified and your environment may need to be PCI-DSS certified (again, PCI QSA can help you with the details).

    If you implemented InteracOnline, Interac may at one point review your page and ask you to change the look/feel to be compliant with their mandates.

    If you are doing PA-DSS (off the shelf solution) it would be a good idea to register your solution with us here [] then send us your QSA assessment/certificate to keep on record. This way we can easily board our mutual clients.

    Thank you.

    All the best.
  • In reply to ND_Moneris:


    Thanks for the prompt response.