First KeyExchange not working (Pinpad IPP320)

We just received our test IPP320 PinPad.


I am trying to do the first "KeyExchange", so I plugged my pinpad (usb plug) and check which COM port it was using.

Then I tried to do the following but I always get an error


Here is the code I am using:

Terminal terminal = new Terminal();
terminal.Host = "";
terminal.StoreId = "store_ppi"; 
terminal.ApiToken = "ppiguy";
terminal.SpedCommPort = "COM6:";


const int tls12 = 3072; // TLS 1.2
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType)tls12;

terminal.KeyExchange(new ReceiptReadyHandler(initializationReceipt_Ready));


When the event "initializationReceipt_Ready" is throw, the TerminalReceipt objet always has this error:

ErrorCode = BadRequest
ErrorMessage = "Gateway could not process request.".


What am I doing wrong?