Testing CVD Response Codes

I am implementing the CVD verification using HostedTokenization and ResCardVerificationCC. We do a card verification of the CVD and based on the Response Code we proceed with purchasing the transaction.

I am trying to simulate the CVD Response codes and it appears that I cannot get the results in the test examples provided in the simulator.


I tried the examples in "VISA Card Verification with AVS and CVD results" using GetCvdResultCode()


4761739012345801 CVD Response Code expected U. Result 1M Wrong
4761739012347013 CVD Response Code expected N. Result 1N Correct
4761739012345769 CVD Response Code expected P. Result 1M wrong
4761739012345793 CVD Response Code expected S. Result 1S Correct

Not sure if I am missing something?

Also, is there a way to test Master Card and AMex if possible?
