refund not yet working while using tokenex

Sendmessage merchant could not initialize db object for request

  • This indicates the transaction cannot be found in our database. The transaction uses the original order id and the txn number (returned from the previous transaction) to reference the original from our database.
  • In reply to MB_Moneris:

    We have try to refund/Void the payment in test mode. pls help us to fix the issue.
    (Payment purchase has working fine in test mode.) .

    Canada Account
    Store_Id = monca03465
    Key - n6o0LkOxOZ18SP1hFMQ2
  • In reply to Gdsdev2:

    These are QA details. If the issue is happening on production I would need to get your production store_id and the order_id/txn_number you are using to attempt the refund. If you do not want to provide these details on the forum you can send it to us via e-mail to